Caroline Barber
Dr Caroline Barber is a Senior Clinical Psychologist specialising in working with children, young people and families. Caroline is currently Principal Clinical Psychologist and Lead of a local CAMHS Learning Disabilities team within West London NHS Trust. She also leads the Ealing Intensive Therapeutic and Short Breaks Service (ITSBS), a service which has gained national acclaim and has been cited as a model of good practice in various national reports and guidance. As well as undertaking high quality work with young people and families, she oversees and supervises the clinical work of other clinicians in her team, highlighting her experience.
Caroline has worked for over 10 years in the NHS and has developed a special interest in and extensive experience working with children and young people with learning disabilities, additional needs, autism and behavioural and mental health difficulties. In addition to her current roles in the NHS, Caroline has worked across a range of settings such as in community CAMHS, schools, family homes and residential/care settings. This has included working in a multi-disciplinary paediatric autism assessment team and in innovative teams focussing on preventing school placement breakdown for children with additional needs.
Caroline is really passionate about supporting young people and their families and is a leading expert in the assessment and treatment of neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism and learning difficulties.

Caroline is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and holds a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology.
- Hellriegel, J., Barber, C., Wikramanayake, M., Fineberg, N. A., & Mandy, W. (2016). Is “not just right experience” (NJRE) in obsessive-compulsive disorder part of an autistic phenotype? CNS Spectrums, 22, 1–10.
- Williams, P.M., Johnson, C., Swan, S., Barber, C., Murphy, P., Devine, J., et al. (2016). The Northwick Park examination of cognition: a brief cognitive assessment tool for use in acute stroke services. Int J Ther Rehabil, 23, 314-322.